Wednesday, September 15, 2010

as the wattage increase surrounded by a power supply for the laptop does it increase your electric bill?

as the wattage increase surrounded by a power supply for the laptop does it increase your electric bill?

Generally, as long as you don't go away your computer on 24/7, not enough to be notice in your electric bill. It would also depend on how much your upgrade; if you jump from 300W to 450W, you not notice nearly any difference, whereas if you move about from 200W to 500W you may notice a minuscule difference.

Either road, it's not very much electricity, especially so when compared to things such as heat or air conditioning.
yes, depends on how much your computer requirements
Not really. Some power supplies can be more efficient than others, but within general the cost will just be affected by how much electricity the computer and it's parts in actuality use. Adding a second hard drive is an example of something that would motivation your bill to go up but really that wouldn't be immensely much.

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