Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Best drivers for ATI Radeon 7500?

I enjoy an old ATI Radeon 7500 graphics card, yea i know its older. I don't want to buy a new card, but i do want to find the most out of it for gaming and such.

What drivers should i use, do i use the most recently updated ATI drivers or the Omega driver v3.8.252 which i currently enjoy installed.

Basically i still have trouble running an online winter sport and i want to make sure its not my drivers.

P.S. i know i own an old notebook, with 2.4GHz celeron processor and probably not ample ram, but i want to maximize my garphics card.

Best drivers for ATI Radeon 7500?

progress to the ati website and download the newest driver
I play adjectives games with my ATI Raedon Ecstasy 8200 128 mb Graphics Card and enjoy no troubles. My puter is an AMD Duron 1.2 ghz. with 768mbs push (by the way, I built my computer myself). Best mode to get cheap.

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