Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Audio stutters on a dual-core CPU system?

I hold an Intel 965LP board with 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU. Occasionally it develops some highly annoying audio stutter, and the cursor doesn't move as fluidly, it's as if I were controlling my computer via a remote desktop session, it jump and hesitates a bit.

Does this indicate some issue next to Windows XP fighting near the 2 cores for resources or processing time? Or has anyone hear of this issue and a possible fix?

Audio stutters on a dual-core CPU system?

If you have an helpful internet connection and own software including your operating system that may be doing live / automatic updates, then this may be a drive why your sound and cursor are responding the path they are. Another possibility is that you may have some other software loaded on your system i.e. scanning your complex drive or memory at the time the unusual events occur. This can occur when you've (for example) set your antivirus software to run a scan of your system at a certain time of year.
what's happening is something is taking up a great deal of processor time to find out what it is when it does it press Crtl, Alt and Del all together and bring up the chore manager click the activities tab, check to see if the graphs are showing 100% or near processor useage if so click the processes tab and look for which program is using more than it's rational share of processor time then unintall the offending program

another possible raison d`¨otre is spyware or a virus scan for both

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